Gaggle+ beta

Apps for mobile and desktop


We are thrilled to announce the latest update to our web app, packed with features designed to enhance your experience and make managing your flight data even easier.

Here's a quick look at what's new:

Progressive Web App (PWA) Capabilities

One of the most significant updates is that our web app is now a Progressive Web App (PWA). This means you can install it directly on your mobile device or desktop for a more seamless experience. Once installed, you can open your IGC tracklog files directly with the app, allowing for instant uploads and smoother data management.

Optimized Mobile Layout

Understanding the importance of mobility for our users, we have completely revamped our mobile layout. The new design is optimized for phones, ensuring that you have a smooth and intuitive experience no matter where you are. Navigation is now more straightforward, and key functionalities are easily accessible, making it simpler than ever to manage and analyze your flights on the go.

Overhauled Flight Plotting Feature

We've also made significant improvements to our flight plotting feature. The interface has been given a cleaner, more modern look, ensuring that your flight data is presented in the most user-friendly way possible. This overhaul includes enhancements to the visual clarity of plots, making it easier to analyze your flight paths and performance.

We hope these updates enhance your experience with our app and look forward to hearing your feedback. As always, our goal is to provide you with the best tools to manage, share, and analyze your flight data effectively. Enjoy the new features and happy flying!

Graphs and more


Welcome everyone I hope you all found some lift during the winter months. We are back with a bunch of new features and tweaks to the site:

  • The flight page now:
    • Has an interactive altitude plot with high resolution ground elevation data.
    • Shows nearby flights at the bottom.
  • Flights have new information available like the distance flown and the total elevation gained (climb). These can also be used for sorting in the flight manager view.
  • The statistics page now displays all the data previously marked "work in progress".
  • Scores are now ranked for better visual distinction, see the FAQ for details.
  • The list view was revamped to make it more useful on smaller screens.
  • A basic gallery view with the thumbnails of your flights is now available.
  • Minor interface and user experience improvements:
    • Better handling of dark mode.
    • Improved UX of the upload page

The focus of the upcoming months will be the gathering of wider user feedback and improvements to mobile use. Stay tuned and fly safe!

Background improvements


The last few months were about major reworks in the background. This were necessary both from a performance perspective, and for ensuring the long term maintainability of the site. To keep tings at least a bit interesting the flight thumbnails now include the outline (legs between turnpoints) of the flights. Hope you like it!

Social features


Hello Everyone! As you might have noticed the news section have been moved to its own page to make place for a home page that displays all your (public) flights. In addition a like and favourite feature have been added, you can now mark your flights as a favourite to find them faster and leave a like for any flights you wish.

Manage your flights in a table


Back again with a new way of finding and managing your flihts, this time in a table. The new view found under "My Flights > Table" can sort and filter your flights while giving a nice overview of all their important details. Additionally you can also select multiple flights to edit their privacy or delete them. The new view also provides scores and flight types, these will soon come to other views and flight page itself.

Find your flights on a map


Besides a number of small improvements to the user interface, you now have the ability to browse your flights on an interactive map. Try it out now by selecting the 'Map' option under 'My Flights'!

Add videos to flights


You can now add YouTube videos to your flights in three easy steps:

  1. Open one of your flights from the list on the Flights page
  2. Click the edit button on the bottom card
  3. Enter a valid YouTube video URL and click the save button

The video will appear on the flight's page. Of course, only the flight's owner can add, edit or remove the video.

Open Beta


I'm excited to announce that Gaggle+ opens its virtual doors to the public today. Registration, upload, flight processing and sharing work, but the site is still very much in beta. Please excuse the rough edges, I'm actively trying to smooth them out. Constructive feedback and reports on issues are much appreciated (since you are here so early I'm assuming you know how to reach me). I was planning on writing more about upcoming features, but I'd rather not make any promises with so many plans and ideas floating around in my head. I'll make sure to let you know when the road ahead clears up a bit.